Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Cost Of Drone Warfare (In Drones)

The Crash And Burn Of Drone Warfare -- Asia Times

American fighter jets screamed over the Iraqi countryside heading for the MQ-1 Predator drone, while its crew in California stood by helplessly. What had begun as an ordinary reconnaissance mission was now taking a ruinous turn. In an instant, the jets attacked and then it was all over. The Predator, one of the US Air Force's workhorse hunter/killer robots, had been obliterated.

An account of the spectacular end of that nearly US$4 million drone in November 2007 is contained in a collection of air force accident investigation documents recently examined by TomDispatch. They catalog more than 70 catastrophic air force drone mishaps since 2000, each resulting in the loss of an aircraft or property damage of $2 million or more.

Read more ....

My Comment:
Drone warfare is very new. There will be accidents .... and worse. The fact that we now know of 70 catastrophic air force drone mishaps since 2000 is very revealing on how much this program has evolved .... and is evolving .... as military/intelligence agencies become more dependent on this technology.

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