Thursday, January 26, 2012

Countries With The Longest Ongoing US Sanctions

Image from Kelso's Corner

5 Countries With The Longest Ongoing US Sanctions -- Christian Science Monitor

Sanctions are once again leading the news with trade embargoes tightening around Iran and debates over whether to loosen US restrictions on Cuba and Myanmar.

1. Myanmar: Reforms are warming US ties, but sanctions remain

The gradual implementation of sanctions on Myanmar (Burma) began in 1988 under President Ronald Regan, who suspended all aid to the country. It wasn’t until May 1997 that President Bill Clinton issued comprehensive sanctions – which included additional restrictions ending all non-humanitarian assistance, banning entry visas for Myanmar government officials, and instituting a moratorium on new investments in Myanmar by US citizens – after determining that Burma was repressing democracy on a large scale.

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My Comment: Cuba is the big problem when it comes to U.S. sanctions. Even if sanctions are removed today, lawsuits and legal actions from Cuba's displaced community on confiscated properties and businesses by the Cuban government will keep U.S. - Cuban relations in a bind for years .... if not decades.

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