Saturday, January 7, 2012

Former Pakistani President Musharraf Faces Arrest Over The Murder Of His Political Opponent

The former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf Photo: GEOFF PUGH

Former Pakistani President Musharraf Faces Arrest -- ABC News/AP

Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf will be arrested in connection with the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto if he returns to the country, a government prosecutor said Saturday.

There is no need for any "fresh arrest warrants" for him as a court has already issued orders for his arrest, prosecutor Chaudhry Zulfiqar Ali told reporters.

Hours earlier, Musharraf told a Pakistani news channel that he would come back later this month to contest the next parliamentary elections, which could be held later this year.

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Update #1:
Former Pakistani President Musharraf -- The Telegraph
Update #2: Musharraf to return home Jan 25 or 27 -- Times of India

My Comment: Why come back now? He certainly appears "cocky" that he will not be arrested ... in fact .... he feels that he will be the next President. Something tells me that the "backroom boys" in Pakistan are paving the road for his Presidency. Then again .... he may be thrown in jail and forgotten about in a very short time. Either way .... this is a surprising development.

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