Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Half A Trillion Dollars In Military Spending Will Be Cut By The Pentagon

Pentagon Plans To Cut Almost Half A Trillion Dollars In Military Spending, Cancel Programs -- National Post/Reuters

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon will preview a budget proposal this week that begins to implement US$487-billion in spending cuts over the next decade by trimming the size of the military and canceling or scaling back some weapons programs.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta will discuss the broad outlines of his budget request for the 2013 fiscal year on Thursday. The proposal is expected to cut US$260-billion in spending through 2017, taking the Pentagon more than halfway to its target for the decade.

The specifics of the Pentagon spending plan will not be formally released until President Barack Obama unveils his budget in February, but some details have begun to emerge from sources familiar with the discussions.

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More News On U.S. Defense Budget Cuts

US Defense Department Expected to Unveil Budget Cuts -- Voice of America
US set to cut Pentagon budget 5%: officials -- AFP
Lawmaker: DoD Budget To Hold at $513 Billion -- Defense News
Pentagon budget to cut military, cancel programmes -- Straits Times
Pentagon to Lay Out Next Year's Budget Cuts -- Wall Street Journal
Obama’s Address May Leave Defense Budget Gridlock Unchanged --
Conference Previews Coming DoD Budget Scuffles --
GOP has different plans to avoid defense “trigger” -- The Cable/Foreign Policy

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