Saturday, February 18, 2012

Another Indicator Of American Decline

Leading Indicator Of Decline -- Richard Cleary and Thomas Donnelly, Weekly Standard

The $489 billion cut to defense budgets engineered by Barack Obama — as well as the played-for-fool Republican accomplices on Capitol Hill — won't just mean less American military power. These cuts have significant consequences for America's allies, as well.

Consider the case of the F-35 Joint Strike fighter program. The Obama Pentagon has reduced the 2013 purchase of Lightnings from 42 to 29 and reduced the planned five-year buy by more than 100 aircraft. This will drive the cost of each F-35 up, yet again; the development costs of the plane remain the same regardless. And because the JSF program has been an international effort since its conception, Obama’s decision increases the cost for everyone.

Read more ....

My Comment: As I had mentioned in a related post a few days ago .... numbers never lie. A decrease in F-35 orders means an increase in costs that in return results in other customers now not being able to afford the planes that they want .... which then means a smaller order .... followed by an increase in cost .... and .... the cycle starts all over again.

In the end we will be stuck with a small F-35 fleet .... at an astronomical cost .... that would not even come close to accommodating our national security requirements.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

time to learn to do better with ess...stop putting the blame on Obama when the recession and the war in Iraq were Bush things...we can not cut the deficit without raising taxes and cutting expenses. All economists agree with that...the military is no exception;.