Monday, February 20, 2012

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- February 20, 2012

The European Project Is Splitting Apart At The Very Core -- Christopher Booker, The Telegraph

A gulf is growing between France and Germany over the future of the eurozone.

Behind all the spin, smoke and fury of recent days, we see unfolding the greatest crisis in the history of the “European project”. What is emerging is a fundamental split which threatens to inflict on it by far the most serious reverse in its 62-year history. It is apt that this conflict should centre on what was always designed to be the supreme symbol of the drive to full European integration, the euro.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Obama nears his nuclear moment
-- Edward Luce, Financial Times

The Iranian leadership’s precarious grasp on power -- David Frum, National Post

How Iran sees America and what America does not want to see -- Michael Rubin, FOX News

One year on: chaotic Libya reveals the perils of humanitarian intervention -- Peter Beaumont, The Guardian

Southern Yemen's election boycott hints at trouble ahead
-- Adam Baron, McClatchy Newspapers

Afghanistan: Beginning of the End
-- New York Times editorial

Religion an increasing source of strife in Africa
-- Gwynne Dyer

Land Wars: Indonesia Unrest Shows Risks of Resource-Led Growth -- Jason Tedjasukmana and Pulau Padang, Time

Greek youth sacrificed on the euro altar -- Toronto Star editorial

US Capitol suicide bomb plot foiled: How to catch a 'lone wolf' -- Patrik Jonsson, Christian Science Monitor

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