Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Difficulties Of Having A Global Arms Trade Treaty

Collapse Of Arms Trade Treaty Talks Narrowly Averted -- Yahoo News/Reuters

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Negotiators on Friday narrowly averted the collapse of talks on a world arms trade treaty to regulate the $55 billion global weapons market, agreeing on ground rules for negotiations after days of procedural wrangling.

Delegates and advocates for tougher oversight of global arms sales said the agreement set the stage for a monthlong conference in July to draft the treaty.

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My Comment:
When I read stories like this one .... Arms Easier to Trade Than Bananas .... you cannot help but feel that there is a need to regulate the world's trade in arms. Unfortunately .... the cynic in me does not see that happening. Governments use the arms trade to not only create jobs, but more importantly to influence their own foreign policy initiatives and national security priorities .... an unfortunate fact of life that is not going to change.

1 comment:

oldfatslow said...

The map tends to make
one think that all the
blue countries are
responsible for all
the killings in the pink
countries. A much more
interesting map would be
one that shows conflict
by supplier content.
