Monday, February 20, 2012

Is Syria's Uprising An 'Orphan Revolution'?

Syrian Rebel: Uprising Is An 'Orphan Revolution' Without Foreign Support -- CNN

(CNN) -- President Barack Obama's top military adviser says it is premature to aid in arming the Syrian opposition, reinforcing the belief of a rebel commander that the uprising is an "orphan revolution" without the international support prevalent in other Arab Spring revolts.

The claim follows opposition reports Monday that Syrian forces began a 17th day of shelling of opposition strongholds in the besieged city of Homs, while President Bashar al-Assad's regime lashed out over the killings of a provincial attorney general and judge. Rebels denied the killings, saying the judge was an opposition sympathizer.

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My Comment: While Syria's civil war may be an orphan to the rebels, it is the exact opposite for the government of Assad and it's 'large family' (i.e. China, Russia, Iran).

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