Monday, February 20, 2012

Some In The Israeli Military Want A War Against Hamas And Islamic Jihad In Gaza

IDF Factions Push For Offensive In Gaza -- Jerusalem Post

Senior officer in Southern Command says ongoing attacks are cumulatively more than enough to justify immediate action.

Calls are mounting within the IDF’s Southern Command to launch a large-scale offensive against Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip in the face of continued rocket attacks over the weekend.

On Saturday night, the Israel Air Force bombed a number of targets in the Strip in response to the firing of a number of Grad-model Katyusha rockets into Israel. One landed in Beersheba on Saturday. In another attack, an RPG was fired at an IDF patrol along the border with Gaza.

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My Comment: This is not going to happen. The Israeli government wants the international focus to be on Syria's civil war and Iran's nuclear program. A large scale Israeli attack against Palestinians in Gaza would only take the world's media attention away from these conflicts and help to embolden Assad and his allies in Syria, and distract attention to Iran's nuclear program and developments.

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