Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Traffic Of Top Defense And Intelligence Officials Between Tel Aviv And Washington Is Intensifying

Extraordinary Traffic Between Tel Aviv and Washington -- The Atlantic

I'm traveling overseas just now, so blogging will be light, but I couldn't let this small observation go unmentioned: If you had just emerged from a cave, and had no idea if Israel and Iran were at war, and the only data point you had was the extraordinary traffic between Washington and Tel Aviv -- every senior defense official of both Israel and the U.S. more or less continuously in flight to either the Pentagon or the Kirya, the Israeli defense ministry in Tel Aviv -- you would probably make the assumption that open warfare had already begun, or that it was about to begin. Ehud Barak, the Israeli defense minister, is now heading, again, to Washington, a few days before his prime minister; the traffic toward Israel has been relentless, as well: Not a week goes by in which the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, or the director of national intelligence, or other figures of equivalent rank, is not heading toward Israel.

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My Comment: Jeffrey Goldberg is right .... this type of high level traffic is very unusual and very ominous of what is probably being discussed .... i.e. an Israeli attack on Iran`s nuclear facilities.

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