Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wikileaks: Osama bin Laden 'Was In Routine Contact With Pakistan's Spy Agency'

Stratfor: Osama bin Laden 'Was In Routine Contact With Pakistan's Spy Agency' -- The Telegraph

Osama bin Laden was in routine contact with several senior figures from Pakistan's military intelligence agency while in hiding in the country, according to a large cache of secret intelligence files.

The disclosure was contained in e-mails from the private US security firm, Stratfor, which were published by WikiLeaks website on Monday after being obtained by the Anonymous hacking group.

Stratfor provides analysis of world affairs to major corporations, military officials and government agencies and was once likened by an American business magazine to a "shadow CIA".

According to one of the e-mails, the firm was shown the information papers collected from bin Laden's Abbotabad compound after the US special forces attack last May that resulted in his death.

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My Comment: Not surprised by this disclosure .... but I want names.

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