Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wikileaks: Venezuela`s Chavez Has One Year To live

Chavez 'preparing for the worst' as he flies to Cuba for emergency cancer surgery Photo: REUTERS

WikiLeaks: Doctors At Odds Over Chávez’s Health -- Miami Herald

BOGOTA -- Doctors from Russia, Cuba and China have been bickering over the president of Venezuela’s health and are at odds about the leader’s prognosis, according to a confidential email published by WikiLeaks.

On Monday, the controversial website released a cache of emails stolen from the Austin-based Stratfor analytical firm.

Among the communications was one from December 2011, describing how Russian doctors blamed Cuban medics for botching Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez’s first cancer surgery and how they had to “clean up the Cuban team’s mistakes.”

Read more ....

My Comment: The key sentence in this report is the following ....

.... According to the report, Cuban doctors thought Chávez had two years to live, while the Russian team gave him one year.

This does not look good.

More News On Hugo Chavez`s Cancer Treatment And It`s Impact On Venezuela

Amid an information blackout, Venezuelans anxiously await news about Chavez’s health -- Washington Post/AP
Hugo Chavez may have aggressive tumor, cancer experts say -- Washington Post
Venezuelans face anxious wait on Chavez surgery -- AFP
New perils for Venezuela -- Kansas City/McClatchy News
Venezuela Waits for News of Chavez’s Condition -- Latin American Herald Tribune
Chavez 'preparing for the worst' as he flies to Cuba for emergency cancer surgery -- The Telegraph

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