Saturday, March 3, 2012

An Arab Spring In Russia?

Arab Spring Could Come To Russia Without Reforms Warns Putin Rival -- The Telegraph

Russia will experience "a kind of Arab Spring" within two years if the winner does not initiate profound and swift political reforms one of the main candidates fighting Sunday's presidential election has warned.

Sergei Mironov, 59, said Vladimir Putin was the likely next president but predicted he would face growing unrest if he failed to respond to protesters' demands.

"Russia today is like the Concordia liner," he said in an interview at his offices, "steaming on to the reefs while the captain tells those aboard, 'don't worry, everything is calm and normal.' But it's not normal and we need to set the ship on a new course."

Read more ....

My Comment: Spiegel Online has a must read piece on the growing frustrations among many Russians on Putin and the lock that the elites have on Russia's political institutions.

What's my take .... people in Russia want an alternative to the same-old-same-old in Russia's political parties. Until there is an alternative, this frustration will continue to boil but it will not threaten Putin's hold on power.

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