Friday, March 30, 2012

The Baluchistan - Pakistan Conflict Continues

In Remote Baluchistan, Pakistan Fights A Shadowy War -- McClatchy News

QUETTA, Pakistan — The family of Jalil Reki learned from television news that his body had been found, more than two years after the political activist was allegedly abducted by Pakistani security officials.

Reki's body bore signs of severe torture, according to his father, Qadeer Baloch, including broken wrists and knees and burn marks. He was killed by several shots through the back of the head.

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My Comment: This is one of those situation in which Pakistan can be pressured (or threatened) that if they continue to support and supply weapons to the conflicts in Kashmir and Afghanistan .... the separatist movement in Baluchistan will receive the same support. Fortunately for Pakistan .... that is not the policy of the U.S. and as far as I can tell .... India's.

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