Friday, March 30, 2012

Sequestration Would 'Break' Most Contracts Between The Pentagon And The Defense Industry

Sequestration Would 'Break' LCS, KC-46 Contracts; Kendall Pledges 'Doing Everything We Can To Control Costs' -- Aol Defense

CAPITOL HILL: The budget cuts known as sequestration would "break" the KC-46 and Littoral Combat Ship contracts, forcing the Pentagon to renegotiate those deals, the presumptive head of DoD acquisition told the Senate Armed Services Committee today.

The statement, by Frank Kendall, currently acting undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, was the first concrete information about how the cuts, forced by the Budget Control Act, would affect Pentagon acquisition.

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My Comment: Sequestration would not only impact the LCS and KC-46 contracts, but fundamentally shift how the Pentagon is funded and .... more to the point .... put into jeopardy every program and structure that is within the military and the defense industry that supports it.

1 comment:

Orion said...

For the current administration, that is a feature, not a bug.
