Saturday, March 3, 2012

Is The U.S. Administration's Syrian Policy Collapsing?

Total Collapse -- Lee Smith, Weekly Standard

The administration’s Syria policy represents a total collapse of the declared U.S. position that Assad has lost legitimacy and should leave power.

A number of recent articles make the case that the administration’s Syria policy is incoherent. Elliott Abrams says it’s worse than that: The White House’s position on Syria is duplicitous. Abrams looks at a series of recent interviews Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has given to the press about Syria, and identifies what appear to be the administration’s three reasons for not supporting the Syrian opposition.

Read more ....

My Comment: The U.S. administration is trying to duplicate the methods that they used in Libya on Syria .... minus the military intervention. Unfortunately, the players are different, and the countries that were the principled players in the Libyan conflict (England and France) are not playing the same role in Syria. Couple this with a Secretary of State who is now focused on retirement, a President who is now focused on his re-election, and an American public that has no appetite to get involved .... we now have a policy of .... doing nothing and just acting as spectators.

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