Saturday, March 3, 2012

Russia's Demographic Time Bomb

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (RIA Novosti / Alexsey Druginyn)

The One Thing Putin Wants Russians To Do Like Americans -- Susan Yoshihara, FOX News

Russia is making headlines with Vladimir Putin's plan to grab the presidency in the March 4th elections. The concern is that Putin seems intent on restoring Russia's great power status. But that hinges on a grand scheme Moscow watchers have largely missed. Let's call it Putin's conception mandate.

Putin told reporters recently, “We mustn’t tempt anyone with our weakness.” “Anyone” ostensibly meant the United States, and observers assumed “weakness” referred only to Russia’s military limitations. Moscow plans to spend some $770 billion in military modernization in the coming decade.

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My Comment: Susan Yoshihara is on the money in this article. Every year I go back home to Russia to visit family and friends, and when there I am always appalled by how unhealthy the people are. Alcoholism, everyone smoking cigarettes, pollution, poor diets, a disastrous health care system, an HIV epidemic, a heroin drug epidemic, etc. etc. etc. It's not a surprise to then see Russia dying off.

Throw in the millions who are now leaving Russia ... .there is no way in hell that Russia will be able to meet Putin's wishes for a powerful military .... the numbers are just not there.

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