Thursday, March 8, 2012

Kony 2012

Kony 2012′ Campaign Against Uganda Warlord Takes Over Internet -- ABC News

If you logged onto Facebook at any point today, you may very well have found friends and others sharing “Kony 2012,” a 30-minute YouTube film on the Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony.

The nonprofit charity Invisible Children Inc. uploaded the video Monday to bring attention to Kony and the rebel group Lord’s Resistance Army, which has terrorized central Africa for several years. The YouTube video currently has more than 7 million views.

The hashtag #stopkony has been trending worldwide on Twitter.

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More News On Kony 2012

Viral Video Hopes to Spur Arrest of War Criminal
-- Danger Room
Joseph Kony 2012: online video campaign to bring Uganda war criminal to justice goes viral -- The Telegraph
Uganda's Rebel Leader Becomes Unlikely Trend on Twitter -- Voice of America
Joseph Kony viral video campaign clouded in controversy -- National Post
Kony 2012 campaign to capture warlord goes viral, but also draws some critics -- Toronto Star
KONY 2012: Bringing Joseph Kony to justice -- Washington Times
Kony 2012: Campaign to arrest war crim goes viral -- The Australian/AFP
Joseph Kony is not in Uganda (and other complicated things) -- Foreign Policy

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