Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Look Inside The Lord's Resistance Army

2 Survivors Provide Intimate Look Inside Lord's Resistance Army -- McClatchy News

OBO, Central Africa Republic — One minute, as she told it, she was minding a field outside of a remote rural area in southeastern Central African Republic; the next, she had been captured by gunmen and handed off as a wife to one of Africa's most feared warlords.

Guinikpara Germaine was 14 at the time. For the next three years, she traveled alongside Joseph Kony, the cultish Ugandan rebel leader whose atrocities have sparked a transnational U.S.-backed manhunt in central Africa. They were always on the run, from forest to forest. She was privy to his mood swings, forced to withstand his cruel megalomania, and survived, scarred, to tell the tale.

Emmanuel Daba, in his 30s, was captured alongside Germaine in the same March 2008 raid. They were marched by night from their hometown into the Democratic Republic of Congo, where Kony's fighters, known as the Lord's Resistance Army, were based. Gradually, they began initiating Daba into the LRA's unique art of warfare: hit-and-run raids on unprotected civilians, forced conscriptions, and survival.

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My Comment: It is amazing that this war criminal is still free to conduct the crimes that he is committing. But I do agree with the survivors that Kony's time will soon be up, courtesy of US Special Forces who are hunting him down right now.

1 comment:

tomaattikauppias said...

Please do some research before you post. This Kony2012 -thing is a hoax, and there's alot of information available of it, even by the goverment officials. And the wisdom applies here that whenever masses rush to take stand or whatever theres something VERY wrong behind that.