Friday, March 30, 2012

The Price That We Are Paying In Afghanistan May Escalate (A Commentary)

U.S. Marines cross a canal as they head to an overnight post in Afghanistan, March 23, 2012. The Marines are assigned to the Weapons Platoon, Alpha Company, 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Alfred V. Lopez

The West Will Pay A Terrible Price If We Leave Afghanistan In The Lurch -- Con Coughlin, The Telegraph

The regime in Kabul needs significant military and financial aid to hold off the Taliban after Nato's withdrawal.

As someone who has been an unapologetic defender of the military campaign in Afghanistan, I found visiting the British war cemetery in Kabul this week a deeply humbling experience.

Set into the crumbling, whitewashed walls is a poignant memorial to all our brave men and women who have lost their lives fighting for a cause few these days either comprehend or support. The plaque listing their names is next to a monument to the victims of another era of British military involvement in Afghanistan – those who perished in our two ill-fated military interventions in the 19th century.

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My Comment: We are already paying a terrible price by being in Afghanistan today. Bottom line .... we cannot stay there forever .... the Afghans will need to resolve their differences themselves .... and from my perspective .... our presence is only delaying the inevitable conflict that will occur in Afghanistan when these different sectarian and religious groups start to resolve their differences.

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