Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Real WMD Nightmare Is Syria

Fearful Of A Nuclear Iran? The Real WMD Nightmare Is Syria -- Charles P. Blair, Bulletin Of Atomic Scientists

Article Highlights

* Syria has one of the largest and most sophisticated chemical weapons programs in the world and may also possess offensive biological weapons.
* Longstanding terrorist groups and newly arrived Al Qaeda-affiliated fighters from Iraq have been active in Syria during that country's recent insurgency.
* The United States and regional powers -- including Saudi Arabia and Iran -- need to start planning now to keep Syria's WMD out of terrorist hands if the Assad regime falls.

As possible military action against Iran's suspected nuclear weapons program looms large in the public arena, far more international concern should be directed toward Syria and its weapons of mass destruction. When the Syrian uprising began more than a year ago, few predicted the regime of President Bashar al-Assad would ever teeter toward collapse. Now, though, the demise of Damascus's current leadership appears inevitable, and Syria's revolution will likely be an unpredictable, protracted, and grim affair.

Read more ....

My Comment: Considering the writer for this article .... we should all be very concerned.

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