Friday, March 9, 2012

World News Briefs -- March 9, 2012 (Evening Edition)

Syrian Violence Continues Ahead of UN Envoy Visit -- Voice of America

Syrian troops continued their crackdown on opposition forces on the eve of a visit by new U.N.-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan, who is calling for a political solution to the year-long crisis.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said government soldiers stormed villages in the northwestern province of Idlib in an attempt to hunt down defectors belonging to the Free Syrian Army. Many there fear a major assault like the one that recently devastated the Homs neighborhood of Baba Amr.

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Israeli Gaza air strike kills militant leader. Israeli airstrike kills two Gaza Strip militant leaders.

Tens of thousands demand democracy in huge Bahrain protest.

Ex-UN Chief to meet with Syria's Assad.

Assad resumes Homs assault after UN's Amos leaves; 31 dead. 31 dead in Syria, mortars land on protests.

Syrian officers defect from army. Syria's rebels on defensive.

Israel won't strike Iran in coming weeks, Benjamin Netanyahu says.

World powers urge inspector access to Iranian military site. World powers stress diplomacy in Iran standoff.


US reaches deal with Afghanistan to turn over detainees.

In India, battle continues over Hindu temple's riches.

Pakistan Taliban divided on talks issue.

Videos: Remembering the Japanese tsunami one year later.

One year after Japan tsunami: Roads repaired, but lives still disrupted. Six videos of the Japanese tsunami [Video].

China drops plans to give police power to detain suspects without notice.

China has repatriated North Korean defectors, South Korean official says. NKorean defectors in China a sore point in Seoul.

Pakistan appoints new spy chief.

US asks Japan for additional $1.2 billion to move Marines to Guam.


Thousands rally in Libya against autonomy for east.

Red Cross may evacuate Mali civilians from northern military town attacked by Tuareg rebels.

Oxfam warns of West Africa drought 'catastrophe'.

Joseph Kony: Brutal warlord who shocked world. When Joseph Kony almost came in from the cold: Juba peace talks.

Liberated areas of Somalia pose serious political challenges.

Despite tensions, Sudan-S. Sudan talks continue.

Egypt’s military prosecutors look into allegations against key activists.


Germany wants new debate on EU constitution: minister.

Russian opposition faces test in Saturday rally. Saturday protest in Moscow could gauge Russian opposition’s spirit, strategy.

Sarkozy least popular leader in Europe – poll.

Greece in last ditch scramble to avoid default.

Legal skull-duggery in Greece may doom Portugal.

Alarm sounds over Spain’s rising public debt.

U.S. adds Vatican to money-laundering 'concern' list.

Anti-Putin activists plan Moscow street protest.

Half of UK's young black males are unemployed.


Caribbean Community leaders focus on group's future.

Mexican drug cartels 'operating in the UK, France and Netherlands'.

Amid high hopes, Brazil's oil industry faces setbacks.

US jobs recession now 49 Months: Longest since WWII.

Ecuador indigenous protesters march against mining.

A new Haitian army? Fears abound.


Suspected drone attacks kills 14 militants in Pakistan.

Italy questions Britain after failed raid leaves 2 hostages dead in Nigeria.

All quiet on al Qaeda's English front.

Bin Laden wives charged as new probe describes life with Osama bin Laden.


Analysis:Legal fees in Gulf oil spill deal stir conflict.

An American auto bailout – for France?

US trade deficit hits $52.6 billion in January.

Coke, Pepsi make changes to avoid cancer warning.

Greece averts immediate default, markets skeptical. Fitch cuts Greece's rating to "restricted default" over debt swap.

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