Friday, March 9, 2012

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- March 9, 2012

The Dangers of Warmongering On Syria, Iran -- Leslie H. Gelb, Daily Beast

Beware of foreign policy experts bearing truths and certainties and treat them as snake oil salesmen, especially on Iran and Syria.

I’m not supposed to tell you this. I’m violating the code. I’m giving away the deepest, darkest secret of the foreign policy clan: even though we sound like we know everything, we know very little, especially about the intentions of bad guys and the consequences of war. But since the media keeps treating us like sages and keeps ignoring our horrendous mistakes, we carry on with our game, and do a lot of damage. Let me give you of few of the more recent examples of how ignorant and dangerous we are, and why you should be wary of any flat out “truths” and certainties uttered by my clanspeople.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Syria: The Perils of Piecemeal Intervention -- Jonathan Tepperman, New York Times

Why Obama won't take the bait on Iran -- Gwynne Dyer, Winnipeg Free Press

Dagan’s Tactical Disagreement
-- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary Magazine

Obama Vs. Israel: Priority No. 1? Stop Israel -- Charles Krauthammer, IBD Editorial

Israel and the Plight of Mideast Christians
-- Michael Oren, Wall Street Journal

Egypt's hold on the U.S. -- Timothy Garton Ash, L.A Times

Let North Korea Keep Its Nukes: It's the only solution that has any hope of success. -- Andrei Lankov, Foreign Policy

Stop feeding North Korea’s nuclear ambition -- Andrew Natsios, Washington Post

South Africa's Worrisome Turn -- Wall Street Journal editorial

Bin Laden to SEAL Team 6: ‘Just shoot me’ -- Lorne Gunther, National Post

Venezuela's Opposition Is Winning -- Ramon Guillermo Aveledo, Real Clear World

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