Friday, April 6, 2012

Contrary To Earlier Reports: U.S. 'Would Never Hold Back Terror Intelligence From Britain'

MI6 Headquarters on River Thames: London leaked the claim that CIA bosses refused to pass to Britain full details of a 'Mumbai-style' terrorist plot targeting London

No Need For Secret Justice Say CIA Spies: U.S. 'Would Never Hold Back Terror Intelligence From Britain' -- Daily Mail

Former CIA officers have dismissed claims that the U.S. will not share information with British intelligence chiefs without secret hearings.

It had been alleged that the Central Intelligence Agency withheld details of a terror plot from British spies because of concerns that their sources could be exposed in our courts.

The claim was leaked by security sources in London to build support for holding terrorist hearings behind closed doors – but it has also been used by ministers as an excuse to demand secret hearings in a huge range of civil cases that have nothing to do with terrorism.

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Previous Post:
U.S. Intelligence Agencies Do Not Trust Britain's Open Courts

My Comment: U.S. intelligence is calling MI5 and MI6 liars .... this is sweet.

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