Friday, May 11, 2012

Admirals Praise The LCS Program, Congress And Others Have Doubts

Admirals Rally Round LCS As HASC Attacks; Lockheed Takes Fire, General Dynamics Escapes -- Aol Defense

WASHINGTON: Even as two Navy admirals praised the Littoral Combat Ship to reporters in a hastily convened conference call, the House Armed Services Committee ordered the Government Accountability Office to investigate the program.

"It's disturbing that the Navy would accept a ship that fails to meet the basic requirements for a tugboat," sneered San Francisco Democrat Jackie Speier, who introduced the legislative language directing the GAO inquiry as an amendment to the annual defense authorization bill, being marked up today. Speier specifically cited reports of hull cracking, leaks, and corrosion on the first Littoral Combat Ship, LCS-1 Freedom, from both a recent Project on Government Oversight study -- which already inspired an amendment last week from Rep. Duncan Hunter demanding details from the Navy -- and a story this morning from Aviation Week. (AOL Defense has also covered LCS extensively of late). Her amendment includes an ominous charge to GAO to investigate program managers and their industry partners to find out, in effect, "what did they know and when did they know it" about the potential for problems.

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More News On The LCS Program

What Price Freedom? LCS-1 Leaves Dry Dock Amid Questions About Worthiness -- Aviation Week
Corroding Littoral Combat Ship Faces Scrutiny -- Bloomberg
EXCLUSIVE: Navy Still Thrashing Out LCS Tactics, Design, Top Admiral Acknowledges -- Aol Defense
Navy praises LCS 3, but more storm clouds gather -- DoD Buzz
LCS Program Lauded, But Freedom Not Yet Ready -- Defense News
Navy admirals praise latest LCS ship --
Navy: Trials successful for newest LCS -- Navy Times
Austal confident of US Navy probe -- Perth Now

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