Friday, May 11, 2012

F-35 Augmented Reality Helmet May Finally Reach Pilots

F-35 helmet Venlet wants

F-35 Augmented Reality Helmet May Finally Reach Pilots, Thanks to Fixes -- Daily Tech

Fancy helmet suffered from video lag and jitter that rendered it essentially useless.

The problems that plagued the F-35 since the program started aren't limited to issues directly with the aircraft alone. There have also been issues with the high-tech helmet that the F-35 was originally intended to use. The idea for the F-35's high-tech and futuristic looking helmet was to be able to display all the data the pilot needed on the helmet's visor so the pilot could remain focused on the environment.

Read more ....

Update: Fixes for F-35 helmet in the works -- Navy Times

My Comment: I will be surprised if they can pull this off.

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