Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- May 16, 2012

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In Greece, a senior judge is to be put in charge of a caretaker government to run the country until a new General Election on June 17. Questions are growing over whether the country's finances will last that long. Hundreds of millions of euros have been withdrawn from Greek banks in recent days over fears of a departure from the euro - and return to a devalued drachma. Jonathan Rugman, Channel Four Europe reports.

'Grexit': Are Greece's Euro Fears Causing A $1-Billion Bank Run? -- Tiffany Hsu, L.A. Times

Greek officials were busy today cobbling together an emergency plan after talks to form a coalition government disintegrated Tuesday. In the meantime, Greeks have withdrawn $900 million from local banks.

So said President Karolos Papoulias, according to minutes of a government meeting procured by Reuters. Papoulias, in turn, was quoting George Provopoulos, governor of the Greek Central Bank, who said depositors took out 700 million euros earlier this week and will likely withdraw at least 100 million more.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Greeks withdraw $894 million in a day: Is this beginning of a run on banks? -- Alastair Jamieson, MSNBC

Appetiser cost of Greek exit is €155bn for Germany, France: trillions for meat course -- Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph

If Greece Quits Euro, Its Ruin Will Be Pointless -- Clive Crook, Bloomberg

Unknowns Loom If Greece Exits Euro -- Gabrielle Steinhauser, Wall Street Journal

Eurozone crisis signals a repeat of the 1930s -- Thomas Walkom, Toronto Star

Why Greece’s economic collapse is a nightmare for Barack Obama -- Nile Gardiner, The Telegraph

Locating the Real Risk of Syria Spillover in Lebanon, Iraq -- Andrew Exum, WPR

U.S., allies sending a not-so-subtle message to Syria with Jordanian war games -- Peter Goodspeed, National Post

What Do Egyptians Want? -- Barry Rubin, Real Clear World/Jerusalem Post

Political climate in Jordan boiling -- Samuel Segev, Winnipeg Free Press

Russia should be rewarded with NATO membership
-- Kennette Benedict, Christian Science Monitor

G8 and NATO-athon, with Pakistan at the table -- Peter Bergen, CNN

Cuba after Hugo Chávez -- Carlos Alberto Chavez, Miami Herald

The tragic consequences of Mexico's failure to tackle organised crime -- Luis Hernández Navarro, The Guardian

As G-8 leaders arrive, new doubts about Obama’s international clout -- Dave Boyer, The Washington Times

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