Friday, May 25, 2012

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- May 25, 2012

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

Israel Likely to Strike Iran Reactor If Plutonium Risk Rises -- Aol Defense

Little progress was made towards a deal between Iran and the six major powers at talks this week in Iraq.With speculation about a possible Israeli strike still high, one key aspect of a possible conflict with Iran has been little discussed. Michael Adler, an expert on Iran's nuclear capabilities at the Woodrow Wilson Center here in Washington, discusses the "zone of immunity."

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Report: Russian intelligence suspects US hand in SuperJet crash -- Christian Science Monitor

Court case over drone strike 'could force Britain to reveal intelligence exchanges with US' -- The Telegraph

Russia Thumbs Nose At NATO, But Stays Within START Rules -- Aol Defense

French president says Afghan mission completed -- SFGate/AP

Maintenance Snafu Grounds Afghan Fleet -- Wall Street Journal

Even if NATO rushes to the exits, Afghan collapse is not inevitable
-- Christian Science Monitor

Osprey to take on White House transport mission in 2013 -- The Hill

F-22's Oxygen Issues Raise Questions About F-35 -- US News and World Report

New Patrol Boat Coming for U.S. Navy -- Defense News

USAF Outlines Nuke Weapon Inventory Modernization -- Defense News

Demand Grows for Live-Fire Robotic Targets -- Defense News

SASC NDAA Freezes Air Guard Cuts, Pakistan Aid; Rejects Tricare Fee Boost
-- Aol Defense

Senate committee's defense bill plans civilian cuts to match military downsizing -- Stars and Stripes

Senate leader ‘not backing off’ sequestration
- -DoD Buzz

Senate panel backs $631 billion in defense spending -- Reuters

Aircraft Make Smaller Targets For Budget Cutters
-- Aviation Week

Investigators want explanation of alleged overbilling in Afghanistan -- Washington Post

Is State Dept. hacking Al Qaeda? Not quite, but propaganda war is fierce. -- Christian Science Monitor

An Eerie Look Inside The Infamous Old Remington Arms Factory -- Business Insider

A Pentagon Contractor Devised Attacks On Two USA Today Reporters -- Business Insider

AWOL Muslim soldier guilty in Fort Hood bomb plot -- AP

Jeremy Hilton: U.S. Military’s First Male Spouse of the Year -- The Daily Beast

Bin Laden film got no Special Ops help: U.S. admiral -- Reuters

US: End Abortion Ban for Military Women -- Huffington Post

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