Friday, May 25, 2012

North Korea Is Ready For A Nuclear Test

North Korea Has Finished Preparations For Nuke Test, South Says -- Global Security Newswire

North Korea is "technically ready" to carry out a third underground nuclear detonation, an unidentified high-ranking South Korean government official told the Yonhap News Agency on Wednesday (see GSN, May 22).

Satellite pictures taken as recently as May 9 of the the North's Punggye-ri test site reveal digging equipment as well as what appears to be fresh debris near a third tunnel that would likely be used for a new nuclear test, according to IHS Jane's Asia Pacific

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My Comment:
It looks like North Korea is keeping it's "powder dry" .... using the threat of a test to obtain concessions on aid and monies. My prediction .... this attempt at extortion will fail because no one believes in North Korea's assurances anymore.

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