Saturday, May 19, 2012

Pentagon Report: China's Economic Spies And Military Growth Expanding

Chinese Entities World's Biggest Economic Spies: Pentagon -- Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon said on Friday it believes China spent up to $180 billion on its military buildup last year, a far higher figure than acknowledged by Beijing, and it accused "Chinese actors" of being the world's biggest perpetrators of economic espionage.

China rejected the report as irresponsible, saying the United States was spreading a "China military threat" theory.

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Previous Posts

Pentagon: China Is A Lead Cyberattacker Of US Military Computers
Is China's New Stealth fighter A 'Rip-Off' Of The F-22
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Pentagon: China's Rapid Military Growth Is A Concern
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My Comment: China answers back that this is a return to old Cold War thinking.

WNU Editor: The Pentagon's report on China's military is here (pdf).

1 comment:

D.Plowman said...

Confirms my view and perspective of how the US deals with other powerful nations outside their influence...