Thursday, June 14, 2012

Because Of Environmental Regulations, The U.S. Military Is Now Dependent On China For Critical Resources

National Security Threatened By EPA Regulations: China Provides Critical Elements for US Military -- Resourceful Earth News

The President of the United States performs under a constitutional mandate to ‘provide for the common Defense.’ One certainly hopes that would be the primary concern of anyone who holds the office of the Presidency or works in any American Presidential Administration. It is one of the areas in which government excels and must be involved. However, it seems that at times politics, political donors with deep pockets and special interest groups, such as the environmental extremists, have taken precedent over many of the interests of the people. Not to mention ‘the common defense’.

Read more

Update: CNAS: U.S. Reliance on Rare Earths Carries Risks -- Defense News

My Comment: The facts are the facts .... China is now the number one provider for strategic metals. This is sober reading .... read it all.

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