Thursday, June 14, 2012

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- June 14, 2012

Suicides No. 2 Cause Of Death In Military -- USA Today

The most common way that U.S. servicemembers die outside of combat is by their own hand, according to an analysis released by the Pentagon on Wednesday.

Since 2010, suicide has outpaced traffic accidents, heart disease, cancer, homicide and all other forms of death in the military besides combat, the report says. One in four non-combat deaths last year were servicemembers killing themselves.

This year, suicides among troops occur on average once a day, according to Pentagon figures obtained by USA TODAY. The data, first reported by the Associated Press, show that after the end of the Iraq War, suicides may become more common than combat deaths.

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Germany and Italy warn Washington over missile defence funding -- The Telegraph

Australia, NATO to combat cyber attacks -- Sydney Morning Herald

Firepower bristles in South China Sea as rivalries harden -- Reuters

The Chinese KGB Gets Clipped -- Strategy Page

Indian Navy Ships Visit China, Seychelles
-- Defense News

Hugo Chavez announces Venezuela making drones and Kalashnikov rifles -- The Telegraph

Russia, Israel talk to build new drone -- Zee News

Russia continues weapons trade with Syria despite escalating conflict -- Washington Post/AP

Russian military to get new pistol -- New York Daily News

U.S. attacks Russia over copters for Syria, but Pentagon buys them, too. -- McClatchy News

Russian Military Chief Stirs Anti-NATO Pot -- Defense News

Lockheed’s Robo-Jeep Set to Return From Afghanistan Deployment -- Defense Tech

U.S. Military Wants More Drones In Latin America
-- Huffington Post

SNC Files Suit Over Super Tucano Cancellation, Decries 'Broken' Acquisition System -- Aol Defense

F-22 Pilots Told to Stop Wearing Pressure Vest Routinely
-- SFGate/Bloomberg

CV-22 Osprey crashes near Navarre, airmen injured -- NWF Daily News

'US expanding spying network' in Africa -- Al Jazeera

NATO is Crucial to U.S. Security, Panetta Tells Senators -- US Department of Defense

Panetta fears ‘another Pearl Harbor’ in cyberattack
-- Washington Times

Panetta: Paying For Iraq War On Credit Was A 'Mistake' -- US News and World Report

Ground broken on new facilities aimed at treating brain injuries
-- Stars and Stripes

Poll: Civilians believe veterans are valuable, but lack education and suffer PTSD
-- Stars and Stripes

Revealed: 64 Drone Bases on American Soil -- Danger Room

Sen. Paul proposes bill protecting Americans from drone surveillance -- The Hill

Military drone mistaken for ‘UFO’ along DC highways -- FOX News

The battle for the military’s future -- Walter Pincus, Washington Post

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