Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Consequencs of An Economic Slowdown In India

India’s Slowdown: Farewell To Incredible India -- The Economist

Bereft of leaders, an Asian giant is destined for a period of lower growth. The human cost will be immense.

IN A world economy as troubled as today’s, news that India’s growth rate has fallen to 5.3% may not seem important. But the rate is the lowest in seven years, and the sputtering of India’s economic miracle carries social costs that could surpass the pain in the euro zone. The near double-digit pace of growth that India enjoyed in 2004-08, if sustained, promised to lift hundreds of millions of Indians out of poverty—and quickly. Jobs would be created for all the young people who will reach working age in the coming decades, one of the biggest, and potentially scariest, demographic bulges the world has seen.

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My Comment: If true .... and India is about to face an economic slowdown .... it will result in an escalation of this conflict.

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