Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Former Policy Defense Chief : U.S. Has Iran War Options

Former senior U.S. defense official Michele Flournoy cautioned Israel against the destabilizing effects of a premature, unilateral strike on Iran. (U.S. Defense Department)

U.S. Has Iran War Options, Former Policy Chief Says -- Defense News

TEL AVIV — U.S. war planners have developed “a viable contingency” for Iran that U.S. President Barack Obama will not hesitate to authorize if the military option is the only way to prevent Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons, according to a former senior Pentagon official.

In two separate addresses at a prestigious policy conference here, Michèle Flournoy, former U.S. undersecretary of defense for policy, publicly cautioned Israel against the destabilizing and delegitimizing effects of a premature, unilateral strike on Iran.

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My Comment: Michele Flournoy .... along with Sec. of State Clinton and UN Ambassador Susan Rice .... were instrumental in convincing President Obama to get involved in overthrowing Gaddafi .... so her remarks must be taken seriously. With this background .... my suggestion to the Iranian government is to be careful with what is evolving in the Middle East .... but .... I strongly suspect that they are not listening.

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