Tuesday, June 5, 2012

U.S. Senate Democrats Raise Concerns Over Intelligence Leaks

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Senate Democrats Blast National Security Leak On Iran Cyber-Attack -- The Hill

The Democratic chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday expressed worry that leaks to press about a cyber attack on Iran authorized by the Obama administration could lead to a counter-attack on the U.S.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) joined other senior Senate Democrats in expressing serious concerns about the leak, which detailed a cyber attack intended to harm Iran's nuclear program. Some Republicans argue the information was leaked to help President Obama's re-election campaign.

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My Comment: I suspect that Senators like Sen Dianne Feinstein are getting screamed at by intelligence officials from the U.S., NATO, Israel, certain Arab states, etc. on what has happened to U.S. secrecy and confidentiality .... and what is worse .... White House involvement in these leaks.

The bottom line is that there is now going to be blow-back .... and Democrat senators like Sen. Dianne Feinstein know that they are going to be blamed for this debacle.

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