Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How Washington Politics Could 'Devastate' U.S. Military

U.S. soldiers take a break along a dirt road during a foot patrol near Khoni Ghar in Afghanistan's Khost province, May 27, 2012. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Kimberly Trumbull

Partisan Gridlock Could “Devastate” Troops -- Max Boot, Commentary

Deputy Secretary of Defense Ash Carter is absolutely right when he says of the looming defense “sequester”–$500 billion in defense cuts to be implemented during the next ten years, with $55 billion to be cut on Jan. 1, 2013—that it would “ have devastating effects on our readiness and our workforce, and disrupt thousands of contracts and programs.”

And those devastating cuts would not stop at the water’s edge. Even troops in combat would be hurt. The Pentagon has just admitted that Overseas Contingency Operations funds which are used to fund operations in Afghanistan would be cut, too. That would probably mean a cut of approximately 15 percent, or $13 billion, in supplemental funding of $88.5 billion for the next fiscal year. It is hard to imagine how U.S. troops or their Afghan allies could continue to operate at planned levels with 15 percent less in funding.

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My Comment: I can already see the argument being framed this way .... tax increases or cuts to U.S. military operations in Afghanistan and general programs .... and the decision needs to be done now .... and in the middle of this fight .... the U.S. soldier.

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