Tuesday, June 5, 2012

U.S. Defense Cuts Could Mean Defeat For Some Politicans In Washington

Defense Cuts Could Mean Trouble At Home For Lawmakers -- Politico

Congress has already been warned that the automatic spending cuts early next year — especially from the Pentagon — could help trigger another recession.

But the $1.2 trillion ax to defense and domestic spending might trigger something else: an election loss.

From the Navy shipyards of Norfolk to the aerospace industry hangars in Southern California — and in the corporate towers of defense contractors inside the Beltway — the so-called sequester is not only an urgent policy matter but could be a political liability for lawmakers from defense-heavy districts. And Republicans who want to kill the sequester and spare the Pentagon are already targeting Democrats, who insist that new tax revenues must be part of any deal to roll back military cuts.

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My Comment
: While there will be a political cost for some politicians, I suspect that the overall impact will be negligible. The positions on both sides are well known .... and for those who support military cuts .... they are doing so from safe seats. The real impact will be on the Presidential race .... but Romney does not impress me as a great communicator, and he definitely does not sound convincing when it comes to U.S. defense budget priorities. As for Presdient Obama .... his positions on the military are well known.

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