Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Are Drone Attacks Pushing People To Al Qaeda?

Yemenis look for a drone aircraft in the town of Wadi Abida. (Khaled Abdullah Ali Al Mahdi / Courtesy Reuters)

The Drone Blowback Fallacy -- Christopher Swift, Foreign Affairs

Strikes in Yemen Aren't Pushing People to Al Qaeda

Recent revelations that the White House keeps a secret terrorist kill list, which it uses to target al Qaeda leaders, have spurred a debate over drone warfare. Progressive pundits excoriate the Obama administration for expanding the power of the executive branch. Senate Republicans, in turn, have demanded the appointment of a special counsel to probe the alleged leaks of classified information that brought the kill list to light. As the political drama unfolds in Washington, however, the United States is intensifying its drone campaign in the arid mountains and remote plateaus of Yemen.

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My Comment:
John Glaser at Antiwar.com has a different point of view. As to what is my take .... I always remember what my father told me when I asked him why did and others join the Soviet Army when the Nazis invaded in 1941 .... even knowing how brutal and evil Stalin was. His answer .... because the Nazis were foreigners.

I suspect that many in Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. have this same sentiment .... that as bad as their country may be .... it is after-all their fight .... and to hell with the foreigners.

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