Monday, July 2, 2012

Former U.S. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld: American Weakness Is Dangerous

Rumsfeld Speaks -- Washington Free Beacon

Former Defense Secretary: American weakness is dangerous.

Former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, in a rare public speech, warned that American military and financial weakness is creating a more dangerous and unstable world.

Rumsfeld also said the U.S. government, both Congress and the executive branch, is dysfunctional and ill-suited for the information age. He called for creating a blue-ribbon commission to modernize the administrative functions of government agencies and institutions in both branches.

The former defense secretary during the George W. Bush administration said he was asked recently what keeps him awake at night.

Read more ....

My Comment:
I can see his critics turning green right now .... which is unfortunate because he does have a long history of experience and knowledge that should not be discarded so quickly. A case in point .... his recent remarks on how the world is seeing the U.S. mirrors the same remarks that I have been receiving from colleagues and friends that I know around the world. They see a weakened America that is slowly drifting towards isolationism .... and all of them are telling/asking me the same thing .... is America turning inward while abandoning it's international presence. I have always told them that America will always have a big footprint around the world .... but it is true that in the past year or two .... I am now beginning to have doubts .... and like Rumsfeld .... I am concerned on where this is all leading.

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