Sunday, July 22, 2012

Islamic Fighters Are Pouring Into Syria

Members of the Free Syrian Army are seen in Amuda, near the northeastern city of al-Hassaka Friday. Globe and Mail

Islamic Fighters Flocking To Syria -- Globe And Mail

In the 1980s, it was Afghanistan to which international Islamic fighters came, helping the mujahedeen successfully take on the Soviet army and its puppet regime in Kabul. Then came Bosnia in the 1990s and Iraq in the 2000s, in both of which veteran jihadists fought a sectarian war on behalf of outgunned Sunni minorities.In 2012, they’re flocking to Syria.

With funding from private organizations in Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Kuwait, they are making their way across the frontiers from Iraq and Jordan, hooking up with opposition elements in Syria and taking the battle to Damascus and the heart of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

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My Comment: There is some poetic justice in this report. It was the Assad regime that assisted these Islamists to pour into Iraq to fight the American invasion of 2003 and subsequent occupation. Now they are coming back to fight him. But unlike their fight against the Americans and their coalition partners .... in this fight the Islamists are positioned to win.

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