Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Remarkable Tale

David Simpson in Ngarabara Prison

Briton Behind Bars In Central Africa Freed During Riot -- The Telegraph

David Simpson, the British pilot held behind bars in Bangui for over four months, was dramatically released when rioters stormed the prison. Here he tells Harriet Alexander about running for his life to escape the rampage.

It was the moment he had been waiting for. But even in David Simpson's most feverish, malaria-wracked dreams, he could not have imagined quite how dramatic his exit from prison would be.

The 24-year-old Yorkshireman, behind bars since March in the Central African Republic on trumped-up murder charges, was swept free in a wave of rioting, looting and mayhem. A raging crowd of hundreds stormed the prison, beat down the metal door and released all the inmates.

Read more ....

My Comment: This is a perfect illustration on why Africa is such a story state. As for David Simpson .... his focus should be on getting out of the country regardless of how much he may love Africa.

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