Sunday, August 5, 2012

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Soldiers In Iran?

Syrian rebels claim to have “captured 48 of the Shabiha (militiamen) of Iran who were on a reconnaissance mission in Damascus.” (Al Arabiya)

Syrian Rebels Say Hostages Are Iranian Guards -- New York Times

BEIRUT, Lebanon — A group of Syrian rebels took responsibility on Sunday for the kidnapping of 48 Iranians in Damascus a day earlier, but the rebels insisted that their captives were members of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards, not religious pilgrims as Iran’s official news agency had reported.

“They are Iranian thugs who were in Damascus for a field reconnaissance mission,” said a rebel leader, in a video that purportedly showed the captives, sitting calmly behind armed Syrian fighters. The rebels said in the video that at least one Iranian was caught with an identification card for the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and certificates for carrying weapons — at which point the man identified by the rebels stood up to show some paperwork.

Read more

Update #1: Syrian rebels: Iranian hostages on 'reconnaisance' mission -- L.A. Times
Update #2: Iran Asks for Help to Secure Iranians Kidnapped in Syria -- Voice Of American

My Comment: Tha Al-Arabya report and video is here. The Free Syrian Army has a point .... why would a bunch of middle age men decide to show up in the middle of a civil war .... this does not past the "smell test"

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