Sunday, August 5, 2012

Osman al-Osman shows Anita McNaught secret files salvaged from intelligence headquarters [Al Jazeera]

Syria Files Reveal Regime Espionage -- Al Jazeera

Secret files recovered in a security station in al-Bab illustrate the regime's deep-seated culture of spying.

In the ransacked and burnt-out remains of various security headquarters in al-Bab lie many clues to the means used by Bashar al-Assad's government to stay in power, revealing why life under the regime had become increasingly intolerable for its citizens.

In the widely-hated building of military security, the formerly locked cupboards containing files on the town's "suspect” citizens and how to "manage" them are now all emptied of their contents. The caretaker there, a man who used to work in the Post Office and telephone exchange that is located on the ground floor - probably to faciliate alleged routine phone tapings - told us that some Free Syrian Army fighters had taken the files and burnt them.

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My Comment: This Al Jazeera news report on Syria reminds me of the Libyan revolution and their disclosure of secret police files and documents in the middle of their conflict.

With each passing day the Syrian civil war is reminding me of the Libyan civil war .... minus NATO plans and special ops on the ground and the horrific casualty reports that are now coming out from Syria everyday.

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