Monday, August 6, 2012

Speculation In Russia And The Middle East On What Roles Will The U.S. And Israel Assume In Attacking Iran's Nuclear Facilities

Reuters / Issei Kato

US, Israel Arranging Roles In Iran War Theater? -- RT

Reports are surfacing of a US-Israeli plan to attack Iran’s ballistic missile batteries, giving Israel extra space to tackle Syria and Hezbollah. While no talks have been confirmed, anonymous sources claim that war plans have been put to paper.

­While it’s unclear how far-reaching the US and Israeli plans are, some say the allies have detailed intentions to destroy the Islamic Republic’s ballistic missiles – and let Israel launch an assault on Syria and Hezbollah to boot.

Read more ....

Update: Wartime tasks split: US to smash Iran’s missiles, Israel tackle Syria, Hizballah -- Debka File

My Comment: I am deeply skeptical on the reliability of both reports .... in fact .... these reports are more fantasy than reality. But I posted them to illustrate what many in the Middle East and elsewhere are now believing is the war strategy against Iran's nuclear facilities .... and it is getting shrill.

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