Monday, August 6, 2012

Syrian Supporters Hack Into Reuters Twitter Feed And Blogging Platform

Reuters Blog Backend Gets Hacked, Fake Statements About Syria Posted -- Daily Tech

Top media organization is investigating where the attacks originated from

On Friday Thompson Reuters, one of the internet's most visited sources for interviews, reporting, and analysis, was the victim of malicious hackers who gained access to the content management system it uses to post blogs.

While Reuters says it does not currently know the identity of the attackers, it is clear they were fixated on Syria and were looking to spread negative misinformation about the freedom fighters actively rebelling against the country's despotic regime.

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More News On Reuters Twitter And Blogging Platform Hacked By Pro-Syrian Government Supporters

Reuters Twitter account hacked, false tweets about Syria sent -- Reuters
Reuters hacked by pro-Assad propagandists again, this time on Twitter -- Christian Science Monitor
Hacked Reuters Twitter Feed Used to Spread Disinformation About Syrian Rebels -- the Lede/New York Times
Reuters Twitter Feed, Blogging Platform Hacked -- Discovery News
Reuters Twitter account hijacked, fake tweets sent -- CNet News
Reuters hacked twice in 48 hours; pro-Syrian government stories, Tweets posted -- NBC

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