Monday, August 6, 2012

Syria's Government Is Becoming More Dependent On Russian Support

Russian Rubles For Damascus? -- Deutsche Welle

The Syrian regime has few allies left, but it can still rely on Russia and China. Moscow is said to be supporting the Syrian government financially.

United Nations Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon phoned him, special envoy Kofi Annan offered him compromises, and sanctions have been imposed on members of his government – nothing seems to have impressed President Bashar Assad.

The Syrian head of state is coming under increased pressure internationally, but two major governments, in Moscow and Beijing, continue to cover his back – even 18 months after the uprising against the Syrian regime began.

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More News On Russia's Support Of The Assad Government

Syria reaches oil deal with ally Russia -- Reuters
Syria pleads with Russia for loans amid international embargo on its exports -- Times of Israel/AP
Russia reportedly sending warships with marines to Syrian waters -- L.A. Times
Russia sends warships to Syria, denies they contain arms for Assad -- Globe and Mail/AFP
Russia says ships not docking in Syria -- Reuters
Russia questions Al Assad ability to survive -- Gulf News
The Newest Wave Of Russian Marines To Syria May Be The First Step In An Evacuation -- Walter Hickey, Business Insider
Russia should take different course on Syria - expert -- Yekaterina Kudashkina, Voice of Russia

My Comment:
My prediction .... just like Libya, this is going to end up bad for Russia when their ally in Damascus is finally overthrown.

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