Botched In Benghazi -- Wall Street Journal
New evidence on the Libya debacle and false White House spin.
At Wednesday's House oversight hearings into the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya, Democrats protested loudly about a GOP political witch hunt. If only such alleged partisanship were always so educational. The Congressional investigation has in a few hours brought greater clarity about what happened before, during and after the events of 9/11/12 than the Obama Administration has provided in a month.
Among the revelations:
• There was no public demonstration whatsoever against an anti-Islam video, or any other grievance, outside the consulate in Benghazi the night of the attack.
"There had been nothing unusual during the day at all outside [our emphasis]," a State Department official told reporters in a Tuesday night briefing hastily organized before the House committee session. Only at 9:40 p.m. on September 11 did a large pack of armed men storm the compound, firing guns and grenades and eventually setting buildings on fire. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were murdered.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
The real Libya scandal: The failure to respond -- Marc Thiessen, Washington Post
Obama’s Libya statements become ludicrous -- Jennifer Rubin, Washington Post
Benghazi Blowback -- Michael Walsh, NRO
Hillary's sinking ship -- Arthur Herman, FOX News
The U.S. Must Limit Saudi Influence in Syria -- Frank J. Mirkow, WPR
Rocket-Propelled Syria: How the Weapons Trade is Fracturing the Opposition -- Rania Abouzeid, Foreign Affairs
Iran's Mullahs Blame Mahmoud -- Ilan Berman, Wall Street Journal
Actually, the Sanctions on Iran Aren't Working -- Dina Esfandiary, The Atlantic
A girl’s courage challenges us to act -- Laura Bush, Washington Post
What if Britain left the European Union? -- Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff, Christian Science Monitor
Ms. Merkel Goes to Athens -- New York Times editorial
Spain keelhauled by Germany and AAA chicanery -- Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph
Why would Scotland turn itself into Greece? -- Jeremy Warner, The Telegraph
Chavez’s Win Proves ‘Elected Autocrat’ Isn’t an Oxymoron -- Clive Crook, Bloomberg
For Chavez, the Worst May Be Yet to Come -- Fabio Rafael Fiallo, Real Clear World
Mexican Zeta Kingpin's Demise Is Good News For America, Too -- IBD Editorial
Biden-Ryan debate: why it doesn’t matter, and why it does -- Linda Feldmann, Christian Science Monitor
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