Sunday, October 7, 2012

Did You Get Your Silver Star Medal?

Did Army Award Silver Stars Without Telling Recipients? -- CNN

The accidental posting of personal information online about top Army combat award recipients has created confusion over whether some soldiers were ever told that they had earned Silver Stars for heroism.

At issue is the discovery last week of a document inadvertently published on the Web by a contractor that listed hundreds of valor award recipients beginning in 2001.

The list includes the names and Social Security numbers of Medal of Honor and the Distinguished Service Cross recipients from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The list also includes the names of hundreds of Silver Star recipients from the same conflicts, but does not note their Social Security information.

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My Comment: Unbelievable .... the Pentagon definitely needs a database to track who gets what medals .... but in an age where massive budget cuts are on the horizon, I suspect that such a database is low on their priority list.

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