Sunday, October 7, 2012

Greek Prime Minister: Greece Is On The Verge Of Disintegrating

The Greek prime minister, Antonis Samaras, who highlighted the rise of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party. Photograph: Yorgos Karahalis/Reuters

Greek PM: Society Will Disintegrate Without Urgent Financial Aid -- The Guardian

Antonis Samaras says Greece's democracy is in danger, comparing situation to Germany's pre-war Weimar Republic.

Greece is teetering on the edge of collapse with its society at risk of disintegrating unless the country's near-empty public coffers are shored up with urgent financial aid, the country's prime minister has warned.

Almost three years after the eruption of Europe's debt drama in Athens, the economic crisis engulfing the nation has become so severe that democracy itself is now imperiled, Antonis Samaras said.

"Greek democracy stands before what is perhaps its greatest challenge," Samaras told the German business daily Handelsblatt in an interview published hours before the announcement in Berlin that Angela Merkel will fly to Athens next week for the first time since the outbreak of the crisis.

Read more ....

My Comment:
A Greek friend of mind gave me his perspective on the Greek debt crisis. Even if 100% the debt is forgiven and a trillion dollars is given without conditions to Athens .... within a generation or two the same fiscal mess and debt crisis will return. It is only when the political/economic/social culture changes .... that is when Greece will have some hope.

What's my take .... I agree. What Europe is doing now is only feeding a heroin addict his preferred drug .... it has to stop .... Greece has to be kicked out of the Euro and go cold turkey for the fiscal and economic mess that the Greek government and it's voters have brought down on themselves. Will Greece disintegrate .... no. But the pain that will come about will educate Greece's young and the next few generations that the path of fiscal and political irresponsibility that their parents and grandparents followed is not the path that they themselves should follow .... that instead a more responsible and accountable path be followed and respected.


Unknown said...

As a greek from outside of greece, i worry about its future. More so for the youth. What worries me more is the threat they face from the east. Turkey has a history of attacking greece when she is weak and with daily border violations. What is your opinion on this matter? I pray and hope that Greece never goes to war but if they do, how do you see it play out initially?

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you Yiannis for your comment.

For the moment Turkey is focused on the Syrian civil war and it's war with the Kurds. If there will be a conflict with Greece, it will be because of Cyprus and possible oil/gas reserves that may be found there. Otherwise .... I do not foresee any conflict between Greece and Turkey for the next 5-10 years (if not longer).