Saturday, December 8, 2012

Is Pakistan Expanding Its Nuclear Arsenal To Deter A US Attack?

Pakistan 'Expanding Nuclear Arsenal To Deter US Attack' -- New York Post

According Shyam Saran, India's former foreign secretary, Pakistan is working on expanding its nuclear arsenal to deter a US attack. Pakistan is believed to have 110 nuclear warheads. Washington remains concerned about the security of its nuclear bases.

Asia's triangular arms race has traditionally reflected the rivalries between India and China and India and Pakistan, but according to an influential former adviser to Manmohan Singh, the Indian prime minister, Pakistan now regards the United States as a potential threat.

In an article for The Hindu newspaper, Shyam Saran said Islamabad had invested in a new generation of plutonium-based warheads, increased the size range of its arsenal, and improved the accuracy of its missiles.

Washington has voiced its concerns over the build-up in the region but believes it reflects Pakistan's long-standing fear of arch rival India's conventional force superiority.

Read more ....

My Comment: Pakistan's focus is still on India. But .... if a terrorist nuclear bomb blows up an American city .... and the uranium/plutonium used has a 'Pakistan' signature .... I would not want to be living in a Pakistani city if such an event occurs.

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